Upcoming Events

February 3: FTC West Qualifying Tournament

February 17: FLL SC State Championship

March 1-2: FTC SC Regional Championship

March 7-9: FRC PCH District Anderson

March 21-23: PCH District Charleston

Upcoming Events February 3: FTC West Qualifying Tournament February 17: FLL SC State Championship March 1-2: FTC SC Regional Championship March 7-9: FRC PCH District Anderson March 21-23: PCH District Charleston

Support FIRST South carolina

FIRST South Carolina relies on the generous support of donors and sponsors. Donations can be made to the FIRST South Carolina non-profit and are tax-deductible. If you would like more information on becoming a sponsor, please email FIRST SC President, Trish Hayner - Trish.Hayner@FIRSTSouthCarolina.org

Directly donate by sending a check made out to “FIRST South Carolina” and sent to FIRST South Carolina, PO Box 729, Ridgeville, 29472

Please indicate how you wish to designate your donation (e.g. FLL, FTC, FRC).

Support FIRST South Carolina by clicking the link below to start each Amazon shopping session at smile.amazon.com/ch/45-3625180